
[飞跃重洋] 被教授收回口头offer了


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via 水木社区 今日十大热门话题 by EEvsIE on 3/29/08

发信人: EEvsIE (Dechire), 信区: AdvancedEdu
标 题: 被教授收回口头offer了
发信站: 水木社区 (Sat Mar 29 12:43:12 2008), 站内

ft 上一封信还说take your time to make a decision

When I initially contacted you I mentioned that I could offer you financial support in case you decided to join my group. I did not hear back from you and in the meanwhile three other very strong students expressed interest in joining my group. At this point I am no longer able to offer you financial support since I have already made commitments to the other students.

Nonetheless, I hope that you still decide to pursue your Ph.D. degree at Univ of XXXX.

Kind regards,


※ 修改:·EEvsIE 于 Mar 29 12:43:19 2008 修改本文·[FROM: 211.99.222.*]
※ 来源:·水木社区 newsmth.net·[FROM: 211.99.222.*]


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