
[读书心得] 一个美国历史学界的抄袭案例


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via 水木社区 今日十大热门话题 by Isaiah on 1/28/11

发信人: Isaiah (SKIASONARANHR), 信区: Reader
标 题: 一个美国历史学界的抄袭案例
发信站: 水木社区 (Fri Jan 28 23:23:47 2011), 站内



最近,几乎与王铭铭抄袭事件披露同时,美国也发生了著名历史学家抄袭案例。原美国新奥尔良大学历史学教授Stephen Ambrose在他的二战史新书 "Wild Blue"一书中,有6页涉嫌抄袭宾夕法尼亚大学史学教授Thomas Childers 在1995年发表的"Wings of Morning"一书的内容。Stephen Ambrose是美国最著名的军事史学家之一。在涉嫌抄袭披露后,Stephen Ambrose迅速在《纽约时报》上发表道歉声明。他说:"我错了,我为此感到抱歉","在我的书新版时,将得到纠正"。 Childers 教授接受了Ambrose的道歉。

以下是Childers 对Ambrose抄袭一事的态度。"I was surprised and disappointed. I was bewildered, at first, as to how he would have the chutzpah to do this. He didn't have to do this, and I wasn't flattered," Childers said, sitting in a wing chair of his comfortable Media home, recalling when he first thumbed through Ambrose's book and discovered similarities trailing over six pages. "My wife, Kristin, was angry enough for the both of us."

A few colleagues advised Childers to go public with the news, but the historian asked his agent, "Do I really want to be the scholarly guy rapping the famous guy on the knuckles in a schoolmarmish way?"

And so Childers exercised patience, the natural byproduct of an academic historian.
Ambrose publicly acknowledged his mistake last week. "I wish I had put the quotation marks in, but I didn't," he told the New York Times. Childers, who received a laudatory letter from Ambrose four years earlier about his purloined book, would like a personal apology. He has dropped Band of Brothers from the class syllabus, after questioning Ambrose's defense of his practices.



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