
[IT业界特快] 美国法庭裁决绿坝诉讼案进入审理阶段


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via 水木社区 今日十大热门话题 by nightwizard on 2/21/11

发信人: nightwizard (JK), 信区: ITExpress
标 题: 美国法庭裁决绿坝诉讼案进入审理阶段
发信站: 水木社区 (Mon Feb 21 09:15:24 2011), 站内

2010年1月,过滤软件Solid Oak的开发商CyberSitter起诉中国政府、郑州金惠和北京大正,以及OEM制造商索尼,联想,宏基,华硕,明基和海尔盗版软件,要求赔偿23亿美元。 本周,美国联邦加州地区法官Josephine Staton Tucker宣布,由于中国官方未回应诉讼,法庭作出缺席审判,此案正式进入审理阶段,预计将于2012年3月开庭。中国驻美大使馆曾致函美国国务院表达抗议,但抗议信不属于正式回应。中国工信部在2009年6月下令电脑预装绿坝过滤软件,绿坝随后被发现抄袭了Solid Oak的代码,据称共有5300万台电脑安装了绿坝,CyberSitter认为这是历史上最大规模的盗版案件之一。中国大使馆在2010年11月29日致函美国国务院,对此案表示"强烈关切",表示拒绝接受法庭传票,辩称强制安装绿坝软件是"一种保护年轻人的公共安全活动"。

The men of the Politburo were among the most powerful in the world, far more so than any of their Western counterparts. They answered to no one, not the Central Committee of the Communist Party, not the Supreme Soviet, certainly not the people of their nation. These men had not walked on the streets of Moscow for years, but been whisked by chauffeured, handmade cars to and from their luxury apartments within Moscow, or to their ceremonial dachas outside the city. They shopped, if at all, in guarded stores estricted to the elite, were served by doctors in clinics established only for the elite. Because of all this, these men regarded themselves as masters of their destiny.
The West never seemed to absorb the idea. Not since Khrushchev had one man held sway. One-man rule held dangers vividly remembered by the older generation of the Party. The younger men had heard the tales of the great purges under Stalin often enough to take the lesson to heart, and the Army had its own institutional memory of what Khrushchev had done to its hierarchy. In the Politburo, as in the jungle, the only rule was survival, and for all collective safety lay in collective rule. Because of this the


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