
[水木特快] NYT: 猪流感可能由中国引起


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发信人: vbob (vbob), 信区: NewExpress
标 题: NYT: 猪流感可能由中国引起
发信站: 水木社区 (Wed Apr 29 01:57:47 2009), 站内

1。 历史上的流感病毒大多由中国南部引起
2。 中国政府不透明,即使猪流感在中国发生了,他们也不会公开。

The Naming of Swine Flu, a Curious Matter

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Published: April 28, 2009

HONG KONG — What to call the new strain of flu raising alarms around the
world has taken on political, economic and diplomatic overtones.
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Tracking Swine Flu Cases WorldwideInteractive Graphic
Tracking Swine Flu Cases Worldwide
With Swine Flu Cases Rising, Borders Are Tightened (April 29, 2009)
Times Topics: Swine Flu

Pork producers question whether the term "swine flu" is appropriate, given
that pigs so far do not seem to be falling ill. Government officials in
Thailand, one of the world's largest meat exporters, have started referring
to the disease as "Mexican flu." An Israeli deputy health minister — an
ultra-Orthodox Jew — said his country would do the same, to keep Jews from
having to say the word "swine." However, his call seemed to have been
largely ignored.

The World Organization for Animal Health, which handles veterinary issues
around the world, issued a statement late Monday suggesting that the new
disease should be labeled "North American influenza," in keeping with a
long medical tradition of naming influenza pandemics for the regions where
they were first identified. This has included the Spanish flu of 1918 to
1919, the Asian flu of 1957 to 1958 and the Hong Kong flu of 1967 to 1968.

The debate is likely to continue as scientists and health authorities try to
trace the disease. While all signs now point to Mexico as the epicenter,


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