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via 水木社区 今日十大热门话题 by Sesshaumaru on 8/12/08
发信人: Sesshaumaru (天生牙,斗鬼神,舍我其谁), 信区: CompMarket标 题: [zz]INQ宣称NV的G92和G94也发生大量故障
发信站: 水木社区 (Tue Aug 12 23:25:47 2008), 站内
vidia G92s and G94 reportedly failingDesktop boards this time
By Charlie Demerjian: Tuesday, 12 August 2008, 9:35 AM
NVIDIA IS IN DEEP trouble over the defective parts problem, and from what we'r
e being told, this is only the tip of the iceberg. NV still insists on stonewa
lling and spinning because the cost of owning up to the problem could very wel
l sink the company.
If you haven't been following the story, the short version, up till now, is th
at all G84 and G86 chips are bad. Nvidia is blaming everyone under the sun, bu
t denying they have any hand in the failures. While this may sound plausible,
technical analyses by people intimately involved in the requisite semiconducto
r technologies tell The INQ that it is a bunch of bull: NV simply screwed up.
Badly. If it was a problem with the suppliers, NV would not be paying out more
than the chip cost, much less gagging OEMs: it would simply be passed along.
In any case, the official story is that there was a small batch of parts given
only to HP that went bad. That was comprehensively proved wrong when Dell, Ap
ple, Asus, Lenovo and everyone else under the sun also had problems. NV AR rec
alled the parts and recanted the story about it only being an EOL test run. Ba
d fibbers, no cookie. They still stuck to the story about it being only laptop
parts, and that it was under control.
If you think it is under control now, the following is part of an email sent M
onday by a very tech-savvy reader. "We just got our first casualty from the Nv
idia mobile graphics [expletive deleted]. Laptop used by one of our senior eng
ineers started acting up this past weekend. Won't boot except in SAFE mode. Ca
lled Dell, they tried a few things, gave up, stated it was the graphics module
, and said that because they were SO swamped dealing with that issue, they wer
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