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via 水木社区 今日十大热门话题 by bein9 on 5/21/08
发信人: bein9 (不如白痴 致哀), 信区: ITExpress标 题: 转载一个18摸的员工给老板的信
发信站: 水木社区 (Wed May 21 11:12:16 2008), 站内
Hi DC,
我是一名来自EC GTS设计团队的通用技术专家,我从2005年的实习生项目开始加入了IBM,作为一个纯蓝(IBM自称蓝色巨人),我原来一直以能成为一名IBM人感到骄傲。
上周三, 当我给一个本地银行客户打电话时,我得到的回复是:
Hi D.C
I am a general technique specialist from EC GTS solution design team. I joined IBM at 2005 as summer intern. As a pure blue, I was always be proud of being a IBMer.
However, to be honest, I am very very disappointed about the behavior or actions of IBM to the disaster we suffered last week. While we could get the continous information of donation from peer IT companies from the media, I could not see any proper actions from IBM.
I do not think that the contribution of several PC servers or softwares is the right way to express the care from IBM to the people who are now suffering from the tragedy. As the top corporate citizen in China as we always regard by ourselves, IBM should do the right thing at the right time. However, I am proud of the employees of IBM China who act at once to make their personal contribution, but it is not from IBM, right?
Last Thursday, when I called one local banking customer, I got following information from the customer,
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