
[水木特快] duke女生称受威胁 支持者呼吁解散中国学生会


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via 水木社区 今日十大热门话题 by yiyayiyayo on 4/14/08

发信人: yiyayiyayo (^_^), 信区: NewExpress
标 题: duke女生称受威胁 支持者呼吁解散中国学生会
发信站: 水木社区 (Mon Apr 14 23:28:53 2008), 站内

标 题: 杜克女生称受威胁 支持者呼吁解散中国学生会
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Mon Apr 14 10:03:03 2008)

Student gets threats after China protest
Personal info for student, parents posted online
By: Zachary Tracer
Posted: 4/14/08
For one Chinese Duke student, Wednesday's pro-tib and pro-China protests
did not end when the participants went home.

Since her appearance in front of the Chapel, the student, who requested
anonymity because she fears retaliation, has found herself the target of a
wave of threatening messages from individuals who believe she advocated for
tiban independence.

After the protests, the student's personal information, including her name,
phone number and Chinese identity number were posted to the Duke Chinese
Scholars and Students Association Web site, according to documents obtained
by The Chronicle. Photographs and a video of the student from the rally have
also been posted on several popular Chinese-language forums.

"I received all kinds of weird e-mails and phone calls," she said. "I think
it is all thanks to the DCSSA, who released all kinds of information."

DCSSA President Zhizhong Li, a third-year graduate student in molecular
cancer biology, denied DCSSA involvement in publicizing the student's
information but acknowledged that messages containing the information had
been sent over the group's open e-mail listserv. The messages have since
been deleted to protect the student, he said.

"I do not think they are from our organization," Li said. "We definitely don
't support [the threats]."

The student said she has received some messages calling for her to be burned
alive with oil.

She said she filed a report with the Duke University Police Department

"I think this is not the time to die for my country," the student said. "I
love my life."

DUPD has increased patrols around the student's dormitory and has offered


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