
[笑话连篇] 很久没遇到这么有水准的笑话了


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via 水木社区 今日十大热门话题 by IntoTheChaos on 11/5/07

发信人: IntoTheChaos (Swordman), 信区: Joke
标 题: 很久没遇到这么有水准的笑话了
发信站: 水木社区 (Mon Nov 5 23:22:10 2007), 站内

Dianne goes to the doctor, and says, "Doctor, I've got a bit of a problem. I'll have to take my clothes off to show you."

The doctor tells her to go behind the screen and disrobe. She does so, and the doctor goes round to see her when she is ready.

"Well, what is it?" he asks.

"It's a bit embarrassing," she replies. "These two green circles have appeared on the inside of my thighs."

The doctor examines her and finally admits he has no idea what the cause is. Then he suddenly asks, "Is your boyfriend a Harley rider?"

The woman blushes and says, "Well, actually he is."

"That's the problem," the doctor says. "Tell him his earrings aren't real gold."

※ 来源:·水木社区 http://newsmth.net·[FROM: 124.249.150.*]


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