
[电影] 严重鄙视李安.为什么要去代表一个时代的色情特色.而不是好的其


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于 07-11-7 通过 水木社区 今日十大热门话题 作者:honghu2000

发信人: honghu2000 (honghu2000), 信区: Movie
标 题: 严重鄙视李安.为什么要去代表一个时代的色情特色.而不是好的其他的特色
发信站: 水木社区 (Wed Nov 7 18:38:27 2007), 站内

He can make such a film as what he said -- personnal reflection of .....

but as a public media method, so bad

I will not let my son or daughter to watch this film

look a part of video of the film on the internet....it is a A++ movie

Should Li An allow his son or daughter watch the film ? I doubt he will !!

I seriously doubt his intension to make films in his recent production like << break mountain>> or this one .........

as a chinese, he should have something to stand for !

As a chinese, I 严重鄙视李安

sorry ..I can not input chinese from my laptope ............

Hope less people go to watch the film.

Dream still in heart


※ 来源:·水木社区 http://newsmth.net·[FROM: 172.207.209.*]




