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于 07-10-20 通过 水木社区 今日十大热门话题 作者:sweetielee
发信人: sweetielee (babe), 信区: WorkLife标 题: 工作太烦心了,想找一个GG在msn上聊天
发信站: 水木社区 (Sat Oct 20 20:14:34 2007), 站内
kept in high pressure for nearly everyday
the work made me exhausted :(
I want to find a GG chat for a while in msn...
requirement: (1)> 25 years old and at least 3 years experience
(2)humorous, energetic,deligent, clear future plan for ur current job..
(3) It would be great if GG could speak jokes to made me laugh ^_^
thx! my msn account :
※ 修改:·sweetielee 于 Oct 20 20:18:48 修改本文·[FROM: 123.118.158.*]
※ 来源:·水木社区·[FROM: 123.118.158.*]
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